Goede middag allemaal,
Right now I published my portfolio.
Essentially it is meant to be a collection of all my works for my study "Creative Technologie".
So you´ll find a link to our interactive video, you can have a look at the different things I did for
Graphic Design. There is link to Wikipage aswell, but of course you need an account so get access to that.
It´s basicly a another portfolio for my programming things.
On my new portfolio you can also find the first essay for "we create identity".
The other essay will hopefully follow later this day.
Here is the link!
Welcom everybody to my blog. It´s just about what my first experience at university look like.
Donnerstag, 4. November 2010
Dienstag, 2. November 2010
Interactive Video Project is DONE!
Hey everybody out there,
sorry because it´s been a while since I posted the last time, but I was very busy with working on different projects.
But finally I can tell, that we finished our interactive video project last Thursday.
It took us a lot of time to work on it, but finally we managed it and I think the outcome is quiet good.
The presentation of all the videos was placed on last friday. After the morning class of programming some students of us headed to the Smart XP Lab to help building up and preparing everything we needed for a successful Exibition.
At 15:30 we met in the Smart XP Lab and invited a lot of professors, parents and friends.
Unfortunately many parents couldn´t come due to they had to work too long.
Although we extended the event from 18:00 to a later point in the evening, the best visited time was right at the beginning from 15:30 to 18:00.
The event was organized in 3 rounds (because we had 9 groups).
That´s just because we had only 3 big screens so we had to share those with the other groups.
So in each round there were 3 groups presenting and each round was set to a duration of about half an hour.
After this half an hour there were the next 3 groups to present their video and so on.
We had food and drinks sponsored by the UT, so nobody needed to starve^^
Unfortunately our professor had to leave before the end but because the most visited time was from 15:30 to 18:00 he didn´t miss a thing.
After 18:00 there was not much to miss because all the people already went home and just we as students and some others were left.
To come to an end, have fun and enjoy our video!
Click here.
Hope you like it!
sorry because it´s been a while since I posted the last time, but I was very busy with working on different projects.
But finally I can tell, that we finished our interactive video project last Thursday.
It took us a lot of time to work on it, but finally we managed it and I think the outcome is quiet good.
The presentation of all the videos was placed on last friday. After the morning class of programming some students of us headed to the Smart XP Lab to help building up and preparing everything we needed for a successful Exibition.
At 15:30 we met in the Smart XP Lab and invited a lot of professors, parents and friends.
Unfortunately many parents couldn´t come due to they had to work too long.
Although we extended the event from 18:00 to a later point in the evening, the best visited time was right at the beginning from 15:30 to 18:00.
The event was organized in 3 rounds (because we had 9 groups).
That´s just because we had only 3 big screens so we had to share those with the other groups.
So in each round there were 3 groups presenting and each round was set to a duration of about half an hour.
After this half an hour there were the next 3 groups to present their video and so on.
We had food and drinks sponsored by the UT, so nobody needed to starve^^
Unfortunately our professor had to leave before the end but because the most visited time was from 15:30 to 18:00 he didn´t miss a thing.
After 18:00 there was not much to miss because all the people already went home and just we as students and some others were left.
To come to an end, have fun and enjoy our video!
Click here.
Hope you like it!
Montag, 4. Oktober 2010
Hey everybody,
how are you?
As I promised there will be some footage uploaded.
Today we had a short presentation where we showed a little preview.
Right at the start we had some technical problems because my iMovie was kind of hiding itself.
Don´t why....I must have used a shortcut I didn´t know, but in the end I got it right.
and we could present our stuff.
We actually did the video in like 45min before the class was going to start and I think we did it quite well.
So convince yourself: -> follow here!
Actually we have 2/3 of the footage we need.
But today the camera was booked. Don´t know exactly if it´s free tomorrow but we hope so.
It´s just the footage for the busride missing.
The rest is quite useful and it should be possible to get a good video out of it.
I´m really looking forward.
We have a free day tomorrow so we can meet to do some video editing on the final version.
Maybe there will be an upload with a short part of the original but I don´t want to give you too much stuff because otherwise you can look forward to see the complete video.
Would be boring if you already know everything;)
So yes, what else can I say?!?!
The postcard for Graphic Design is more or less in its final stadium.
The background is completely done and it´s just a part of the foreground left.
When I´m done with it, I will show you!
Ok that´s it for today.
Hope you like our short video and...
see you next time:)
how are you?
As I promised there will be some footage uploaded.
Today we had a short presentation where we showed a little preview.
Right at the start we had some technical problems because my iMovie was kind of hiding itself.
Don´t why....I must have used a shortcut I didn´t know, but in the end I got it right.
and we could present our stuff.
We actually did the video in like 45min before the class was going to start and I think we did it quite well.
So convince yourself: -> follow here!
Actually we have 2/3 of the footage we need.
But today the camera was booked. Don´t know exactly if it´s free tomorrow but we hope so.
It´s just the footage for the busride missing.
The rest is quite useful and it should be possible to get a good video out of it.
I´m really looking forward.
We have a free day tomorrow so we can meet to do some video editing on the final version.
Maybe there will be an upload with a short part of the original but I don´t want to give you too much stuff because otherwise you can look forward to see the complete video.
Would be boring if you already know everything;)
So yes, what else can I say?!?!
The postcard for Graphic Design is more or less in its final stadium.
The background is completely done and it´s just a part of the foreground left.
When I´m done with it, I will show you!
Ok that´s it for today.
Hope you like our short video and...
see you next time:)
Donnerstag, 30. September 2010
Hello people out there,
it´s about 9 PM and we just finished filming for our interactive video.
We changed the story a little bit. So our protagonist is not working at the bank anymore, but coming from another place in the Netherlands with the train.
He arrives at central train- and bus- station here in Enschede and from that point everything is as it was meant to be.
So today we were filming the second day; yesterday we did the walking part (and of course we forgot one scene...) and today we handled the cycling part.
Although some scenes were hard to do, I think we managed it pretty good and got nice useful material.
At least I hope so due to I didn´t see the material yet.
The hardest scene was the car crash, because.....we couldn´t find any volunteer to crash into our bike.
No, of course we just pretended to do so, but the timing part was actually not easy.
Whether I was too fast and Nick was too slow or right the other way round.
But in the end it started raining more and more so we had to hurry up
->we didn´t want the camera break!
After we quitted the scene at my place we got upstairs to my room and discussed how to go on the best.
Actually we have still a lot to do.
Choose all the songs were going to use (and the viewer can choose in the playlist), discuss the different perspectives we going to use at the bus ride filming, how to use some of our material the best way and where to fade out and stuff, but that is already the editing part.
Furthermore we watched a pretty amazing video which I got from a friend and I wanted share it with you guys aswell. It is a very good mix of a lot of different movie scenes cut together and it is excellent editing work.
I strongly recommend watching it:
So here is the link: -> Enjoy!
Finally we took Sharah to the station.
And now it was raining so hard I got wet to my skin in like 3 minutes.
I had to change all of my clothes when I was back home again.
Now I´m sitting at my "desk" aka. lunchtable, sharing my impressions of the day with you!
But now I have to see the material we got today.
Next time I promise to upload some short movie scenes. Of course without the interactual part;)
So everybody have a nice evening.
See you next time
-> remember the video uploads
it´s about 9 PM and we just finished filming for our interactive video.
We changed the story a little bit. So our protagonist is not working at the bank anymore, but coming from another place in the Netherlands with the train.
He arrives at central train- and bus- station here in Enschede and from that point everything is as it was meant to be.
So today we were filming the second day; yesterday we did the walking part (and of course we forgot one scene...) and today we handled the cycling part.
Although some scenes were hard to do, I think we managed it pretty good and got nice useful material.
At least I hope so due to I didn´t see the material yet.
The hardest scene was the car crash, because.....we couldn´t find any volunteer to crash into our bike.
No, of course we just pretended to do so, but the timing part was actually not easy.
Whether I was too fast and Nick was too slow or right the other way round.
But in the end it started raining more and more so we had to hurry up
->we didn´t want the camera break!
After we quitted the scene at my place we got upstairs to my room and discussed how to go on the best.
Actually we have still a lot to do.
Choose all the songs were going to use (and the viewer can choose in the playlist), discuss the different perspectives we going to use at the bus ride filming, how to use some of our material the best way and where to fade out and stuff, but that is already the editing part.
Furthermore we watched a pretty amazing video which I got from a friend and I wanted share it with you guys aswell. It is a very good mix of a lot of different movie scenes cut together and it is excellent editing work.
I strongly recommend watching it:
So here is the link: -> Enjoy!
Finally we took Sharah to the station.
And now it was raining so hard I got wet to my skin in like 3 minutes.
I had to change all of my clothes when I was back home again.
Now I´m sitting at my "desk" aka. lunchtable, sharing my impressions of the day with you!
But now I have to see the material we got today.
Next time I promise to upload some short movie scenes. Of course without the interactual part;)
So everybody have a nice evening.
See you next time
-> remember the video uploads
Mittwoch, 29. September 2010
Welcome everybody,
today we´re going to start filming for our interactive video.
Our main character is supposed to be a man working at a bank, who gets home in the late afternoon, or early evening after an hard, long working day.
So we meet at the central station at 17:30 and start filming at the ABN Amro.
As we promised there will be 3 modes to choose who you want to go home.
The first option is to go by bus. This will actually be the fastest and safest option.
You enter the bus, sit down, maybe listen to some music and you wait until you have to get off the bus.
Walk the rest home and that´s it.
The second option is to go by bike.
Of course this is the most dangerous way to choose. You take your bike after a long day at work, you´re annoyed by everything and just want to go home.
Maybe you already want to listen to some music during the ride so you turn it on. But the problem of listening to music is you eventually don´t hear horns of a car and you´re distracted a lot.
So there is the danger to get run over by a car and that´s the end. Whether you´re dead or send in to an hospital for a long time if you´re lucky.
The third option actually is to go by foot.
That is way safer than taking the bike, but you still can become a victim of a robber.
You will have to choose between fighting the robber and give him you money and iPod voluntarily.
If you want to fight him you might get knocked down and all the money, iPod and stuff is gone aswell.
After some time you will wake up again and get home without all your stuff and you´re very angry due to that.
So I´m going to upload some short previews for you so you know what it will look like in the end.
So, see you later
Montag, 27. September 2010

To keep you up to date I uploaded the results of our work on the interactive video. Tomorrow
there will be another meeting where we discuss how to go on.
We´re definitely going to start filming this week and I there will be some short previews here on my blog in the following days. Depends on how we´re going to manage the filming.
Due to we´re planning to film during the night-time
Here you can have a look at our short promo video:
We also put our storyline online on the create.eliens.net-site under Urban Mayhem but here you can also look at it:
Montag, 20. September 2010
Hey guys,
it´s 13:02 here in Enschede and it´s during the break between two classes of "we create identity".
Everybody sitting around here is eating and I´m using the time to put up a new post.
After the last different posts you read, which were all about projects or moods or only describing days,
I just decided to tell you guys more about me and my interests.
Think I didn´t mention ist but I like almost any kind of watersports. So there is included windsurfing, canoeing, skimboarding, swimming, sailing.
And after some time I became interested in building boards or boats.
I became interested in shapes and different materials in order to design and to built my own boards and boats.
Due to I had no chance to build a boat, I did design and build my own skimboard made of foam and glasfiber. It was a really dirty job but I´m glad I can tell you that it works very well. Way better than I expected it to do.
At least this is just one of my hobbies, doing technical things, like building surf- or skimboards, making broken things work again, get computers run again, what ever.
Beside this I also like just sitting in my room and listening to my music to relax.
For me this is actually the greatest thing to do after a long day of work. You come home, everything is going on your nerves, you get some food, turn on the music and just sink into the music and enjoy the guitar sounds and drums.
The next thing I really like is technical challenges and getting things run and surprising other people with it.
It is an awesome feeling to do something other people really like and what they can use with passion.
Great experience in my life.
Ok, now I´m running out of time. The next class is about starting but hold on.
I´ll continue tonight.
it´s 13:02 here in Enschede and it´s during the break between two classes of "we create identity".
Everybody sitting around here is eating and I´m using the time to put up a new post.
After the last different posts you read, which were all about projects or moods or only describing days,
I just decided to tell you guys more about me and my interests.
Think I didn´t mention ist but I like almost any kind of watersports. So there is included windsurfing, canoeing, skimboarding, swimming, sailing.
And after some time I became interested in building boards or boats.
I became interested in shapes and different materials in order to design and to built my own boards and boats.
Due to I had no chance to build a boat, I did design and build my own skimboard made of foam and glasfiber. It was a really dirty job but I´m glad I can tell you that it works very well. Way better than I expected it to do.
At least this is just one of my hobbies, doing technical things, like building surf- or skimboards, making broken things work again, get computers run again, what ever.
Beside this I also like just sitting in my room and listening to my music to relax.
For me this is actually the greatest thing to do after a long day of work. You come home, everything is going on your nerves, you get some food, turn on the music and just sink into the music and enjoy the guitar sounds and drums.
The next thing I really like is technical challenges and getting things run and surprising other people with it.
It is an awesome feeling to do something other people really like and what they can use with passion.
Great experience in my life.
Ok, now I´m running out of time. The next class is about starting but hold on.
I´ll continue tonight.
Dienstag, 14. September 2010
Working on the interactive video
Good morning everybody...
hope you are all awake ´cause I am not...still to tired.
It´s hard to keep my eyes open.
But anyway...we have to work on our interactive video again. We decided to meet every Tuesday morning at "We create Identity"-Time. Usually it is class-time so can use the time for the video anyway.
Here are some news:
I finished the Graphic Design Project after working on it for some hours. I glad I can tell you this because for some pictures it was really hard to get an idea for what to do and to realize it.
I only needed 2 more pictures to have it complete and it took me about 2 1/2 hours just to get an idea about what to do and how.
But now I´m done with it and I´m looking forward to see some other pictures to get their ideas behind it.
So far the working progress...
But we gotta go on with it so see you later:)
Donnerstag, 9. September 2010
working on Graphic Design
Hey guys, I`m just working on the graphic design assignment.
We were given the assignment on Tuesday and it says we should take a picture and then cut some elements out, add another element or just change the elements.
But we need 3 copies with the same meaning, 3 copies where the meaning is changed and 3 copies, where there is no meaning at all.
So in the end we have 9 copies of the original, each one is changed in some elements.
After this you take sheet of paper, fold it so that you have 12 rectangles which are of equal size.
You take the picture in the horizontal format and in upper left corner you put in the unchanged original.
The column right next to it contains of the 3 changed copies which have the same meaning though.
The following column contains the 3 copies with the different meaning and the last column is filled with the 3 picture that have no meaning any more.
The idea behind that system is to figure out the correct meaning of a picture without asking the person who choose for background information.
So actually I´m pretty excited if this is gonna work.
At the moment it is quite hard to create all the different pictures in photoshop. I don´t have another option to do it due to a lack a printer^^
I didn´t get one yet.
It´s hard to erase the complete meaning. Changing elements so the meaning is the same is really easy in comparison to that. Changing elements in order to change the meaning is also easier.
The hardest thing is just to work on the picture with photoshop.
I just found some new tools I didn´t know before and I don´t understand the way they work yet but I will figure that out.
I already did change some elements in a picture but after a while I didn´t know how to go on now and started all over again.
Although the professor said the pictures don´t have to be perfect in the end I give my best to make them looking real in the end just to improve my skills.
It really is a lot of work but our professor also told us so and in the end it´s gonna be worth it.
At least I hope so.
OK, I´ll go on with that assignment again.
See you later.
We were given the assignment on Tuesday and it says we should take a picture and then cut some elements out, add another element or just change the elements.
But we need 3 copies with the same meaning, 3 copies where the meaning is changed and 3 copies, where there is no meaning at all.
So in the end we have 9 copies of the original, each one is changed in some elements.
After this you take sheet of paper, fold it so that you have 12 rectangles which are of equal size.
You take the picture in the horizontal format and in upper left corner you put in the unchanged original.
The column right next to it contains of the 3 changed copies which have the same meaning though.
The following column contains the 3 copies with the different meaning and the last column is filled with the 3 picture that have no meaning any more.
The idea behind that system is to figure out the correct meaning of a picture without asking the person who choose for background information.
So actually I´m pretty excited if this is gonna work.
At the moment it is quite hard to create all the different pictures in photoshop. I don´t have another option to do it due to a lack a printer^^
I didn´t get one yet.
It´s hard to erase the complete meaning. Changing elements so the meaning is the same is really easy in comparison to that. Changing elements in order to change the meaning is also easier.
The hardest thing is just to work on the picture with photoshop.
I just found some new tools I didn´t know before and I don´t understand the way they work yet but I will figure that out.
I already did change some elements in a picture but after a while I didn´t know how to go on now and started all over again.
Although the professor said the pictures don´t have to be perfect in the end I give my best to make them looking real in the end just to improve my skills.
It really is a lot of work but our professor also told us so and in the end it´s gonna be worth it.
At least I hope so.
OK, I´ll go on with that assignment again.
See you later.
Dienstag, 7. September 2010
Hey out there,
it´s Thuesday morning at 11:20 and usually it´s for We Create Identity right now but our professor is not there. But he told us so it is ok.
Instead of that we met in the cafeteria to work on our project we got last afternoon in We Create Identity.
Actually we´re collecting some ideas how to work best and Sharah didn´t arrive yet. So we´re also waiting for her.
This morning it was so hard to get out of bed cause it was raining and it was quite cold in the room.
I could not even open my eyes for 2 minutes due to they were burning and I was so tired I fell asleep in the same moment again I tried:D
But now I´m awake an now it´s time to work.
I´m looking forward to have a nice day at the Graphic Design, it is going to be really exciting again.
So see you later. Have to work now;)
it´s Thuesday morning at 11:20 and usually it´s for We Create Identity right now but our professor is not there. But he told us so it is ok.
Instead of that we met in the cafeteria to work on our project we got last afternoon in We Create Identity.
Actually we´re collecting some ideas how to work best and Sharah didn´t arrive yet. So we´re also waiting for her.
This morning it was so hard to get out of bed cause it was raining and it was quite cold in the room.
I could not even open my eyes for 2 minutes due to they were burning and I was so tired I fell asleep in the same moment again I tried:D
But now I´m awake an now it´s time to work.
I´m looking forward to have a nice day at the Graphic Design, it is going to be really exciting again.
So see you later. Have to work now;)
Donnerstag, 2. September 2010
Nothing on my mind
Hey guys,
right now it´s 12:22 and I´m kind of thoughtless.
I´m just sitting in the mensa and everybody around me is eating.
That´s pretty cruel due to I´m so hungry, but I don´t wanna buy food here.
I might try it another day.
But anyway...it smells to good to keep on sitting here;)
Actually the lecture for today is already over. We started Introduction to Computer Science at 8:45 in the morning and finished it at 11:50, 40 minutes earlier than expected. I won´t complain;)
See you later
right now it´s 12:22 and I´m kind of thoughtless.
I´m just sitting in the mensa and everybody around me is eating.
That´s pretty cruel due to I´m so hungry, but I don´t wanna buy food here.
I might try it another day.
But anyway...it smells to good to keep on sitting here;)
Actually the lecture for today is already over. We started Introduction to Computer Science at 8:45 in the morning and finished it at 11:50, 40 minutes earlier than expected. I won´t complain;)
See you later
Mittwoch, 1. September 2010
Hi guys,
here is the promised post.
Right now it is 20:39 and guess what....I went not to Ikea as I thought before I would -_-.
The broker was here instead.
Actually we have some things at our house which should be fixed so we were busy all day long.
The next thing was that my girlfriend got her own room and we had a walk there after dinner
(fries again-_-)
to have a look at it.
It´s a 16m2 room with its own bathroom. Pretty nice to spend there some month.
So I´ll have my room back soon just for myself so I can work more concentrated and at least have a better sleep;)
But sleeping in a quite new room is still something different than sleeping in a already known room any way. So I might still need some time to get used to it.
After this we went back to my house and I sat down to add that post for you.
My girlfriend startet talking to her mother (on Skype) and can´t concentrate any more....-_-
That´s why I said I´m happy to have my room for just myself;)
Tot ziens!
here is the promised post.
Right now it is 20:39 and guess what....I went not to Ikea as I thought before I would -_-.
The broker was here instead.
Actually we have some things at our house which should be fixed so we were busy all day long.
The next thing was that my girlfriend got her own room and we had a walk there after dinner
(fries again-_-)
to have a look at it.
It´s a 16m2 room with its own bathroom. Pretty nice to spend there some month.
So I´ll have my room back soon just for myself so I can work more concentrated and at least have a better sleep;)
But sleeping in a quite new room is still something different than sleeping in a already known room any way. So I might still need some time to get used to it.
After this we went back to my house and I sat down to add that post for you.
My girlfriend startet talking to her mother (on Skype) and can´t concentrate any more....-_-
That´s why I said I´m happy to have my room for just myself;)
Tot ziens!
Hello audience,
today is the third day of my studies.
Sorry that I didn´t texted something yesterday, but after a long day I was pretty tired.
Actually yesterday was a pretty great day.
We had Graphic Design for the first time and it was really interesting.
The professor talked with so much passion to us that it had a contagious effect on us.
We were all like....whaaa, we didn´t knew about that before, tell us more.
It was an awesome experience and I´m looking forward to the next class.
We had to bring pictures which mean a lot to us, then present the pictures to the others and just hear their opinions and feelings about it.
In order to this the professor told us about conscious and unconscious impressions we ged. Of course the number of unconscious impressions is so much higher than the conscious ones (11.000.000: 40).
And it was pretty interesting to hear what other people think about our pictures without knowing any backgroundinformation about it.
The picture on the left is the one I´ve chosen. The picture really means a lot to me. It already is some years old and it shows me and a friend at sailing a 420er. It´s a smaller version of the 470er, which is olympic. Actually the summer when the photo was taken was the best of my life. We spend every free minute we had together on sailing and enjoying the nature around us.
I really love sailing, ´cause you´re out in the nature, just a toy for water and wind. And it´s an amazing feeling to have the control over both of it and you can use it for your own benefit. That´s why nature and especially wind and water are so inspiring to me.
When I´m sailing I just feel free and I calm down from everyday life.
That´s why I chose this photo.
But after that day, with so many new impressions again, I was so tired I couldn´t add a new text in here.
So I do it now;) Hope that´s ok to you.
Today the lectures are already over.
We had Introduction to Computer Science and the only thing that happened was a little talk from our professor about what computer sience is all about and the only assignment was to create our wikicreate-page.
Actually I´m alreay done with that so the rest of the day is freetime.
I might use it to go to Ikea to get some more furniture for my room.
Actually I have not that much time, so I gotta bounce.
I´ll add another text in the evening.
Hope to see you again.
today is the third day of my studies.
Sorry that I didn´t texted something yesterday, but after a long day I was pretty tired.
Actually yesterday was a pretty great day.
We had Graphic Design for the first time and it was really interesting.
The professor talked with so much passion to us that it had a contagious effect on us.
We were all like....whaaa, we didn´t knew about that before, tell us more.
It was an awesome experience and I´m looking forward to the next class.
We had to bring pictures which mean a lot to us, then present the pictures to the others and just hear their opinions and feelings about it.
In order to this the professor told us about conscious and unconscious impressions we ged. Of course the number of unconscious impressions is so much higher than the conscious ones (11.000.000: 40).
And it was pretty interesting to hear what other people think about our pictures without knowing any backgroundinformation about it.
The picture on the left is the one I´ve chosen. The picture really means a lot to me. It already is some years old and it shows me and a friend at sailing a 420er. It´s a smaller version of the 470er, which is olympic. Actually the summer when the photo was taken was the best of my life. We spend every free minute we had together on sailing and enjoying the nature around us.
I really love sailing, ´cause you´re out in the nature, just a toy for water and wind. And it´s an amazing feeling to have the control over both of it and you can use it for your own benefit. That´s why nature and especially wind and water are so inspiring to me.
When I´m sailing I just feel free and I calm down from everyday life.
That´s why I chose this photo.
But after that day, with so many new impressions again, I was so tired I couldn´t add a new text in here.
So I do it now;) Hope that´s ok to you.
Today the lectures are already over.
We had Introduction to Computer Science and the only thing that happened was a little talk from our professor about what computer sience is all about and the only assignment was to create our wikicreate-page.
Actually I´m alreay done with that so the rest of the day is freetime.
I might use it to go to Ikea to get some more furniture for my room.
Actually I have not that much time, so I gotta bounce.
I´ll add another text in the evening.
Hope to see you again.
Montag, 30. August 2010
Welcom everybody to the first blog I ever created.
So please be patient with me, if something is wrong;)
My name is Christopher Biniasch and I´m 20 Years old and I come from Hamm, near Dortmund, Germany.
My Hobbies are probably any kind of watersports, just like canoeing, windsurfing, sailing, swimming and stuff.
But I also love working with my computer and try to create new things like technical stuff, furniture or web pages and at least simulating those new things with photoshop etc.
Actually I´m studying Creative Technology in Enschede, which is right behind the borderline to Germany.
The university here is really nice, due to all the green places, the forests, the little lakes in between and at least because of the really modern and advanced buildings.
Everything´s pretty clean and most of the administrative things are pretty well organized and managed.
Ok, so let´s get started...
Opening this Blog is the first assignment I got in my student life.
And yeah I`m going to tell you something what my life is all about and how my dreams for the future look like.
My dreams for my later live are sailing around the world at least once, and get to know how people are connected with technology.
Actually the goal is to get people closer to technology which can help them along in everyday life and not forcing them to be adicted to technology just like gamers are (e-sports).
It´s the things you don´t think about at using them, ´cause they are so easy to use but still very effective.
Another goal is it to have a life you are happy with when I reflect on it later.
So yeah...Today my morning started with waking up in my room and having some breakfast.
(I´m one of the lucky guys who found a room here in Enschede very quickly)
After that I got my bike to go to the university for the first time as a student.
It was kind of an awesome feeling....
The next period of my life is going to start right now, let´s see what it gets.
Thanks to the short campus guidings we had before I quickly found the correct room so I could wait for the beginning of the first lecture.
We spent this time by talking to our friends about the last weekend.
My first lecture was really inspiring what I really didn´t expect it to be in this way.
The lectures are given in a very different way to what you know from schools in Germany.
There is a great use of electronic things like presentations via beamer and the hole lecture is much more about the deeper sense of our identity and technology than you know it from school.
In school you just learn the way something should be done and in the lessons here at university we´re searching for why something is done like that and how it can be realized in an unconscious way (e.g. the combination of people´s mind and/or lifestyle and technology).
That was a pretty exciting feeling and suddenly there was a bunch of ideas in my head what we could do, to make life more fun and easier.
Actually I´m sitting here in the cafeteria in an at least pretty comfortable chair.
The first lecture is over, and the rest of the day is freetime, which I will probably use for grocery shopping.
My impressions on the first day of studying are kind of mixed.
At first I´m very hungry, ´cause I only had breakfast in the morning (now it is 16:48).
The next thing I feel kind of weird because I hope that I choose the right way for me and my future.
The thing which bothers me the most is actually the money.
The tuition is much more than in Germany (500€ per semester or even nothing, depends on the state->here in Enschede 1672€ for two semesters), I also have to pay a great bunch of rent for my room and the federal law on support in education is pretty slow in Germany, so I hope they pay not to late because otherwise I have no money to stay here:(
I just hope everything is working out well and I´ll get used to my new life;)
I´m really excited to go on with my studies!
I think I can learn there a lot for my life, not only for the subjects to be good creator but for me in personal (things like speaking in front of many people and give presentations and so on.
I always disliked things like that but with the help of the studies I´ll learn to think outside the box.
And that´s really great for my own development.
Ok that´s it so far.
For this moment my mind is empty right now and I need some food;)
So I hoped you liked it and you´re going to follow my blog.
Have a nice day.
So please be patient with me, if something is wrong;)
My name is Christopher Biniasch and I´m 20 Years old and I come from Hamm, near Dortmund, Germany.
My Hobbies are probably any kind of watersports, just like canoeing, windsurfing, sailing, swimming and stuff.
But I also love working with my computer and try to create new things like technical stuff, furniture or web pages and at least simulating those new things with photoshop etc.
Actually I´m studying Creative Technology in Enschede, which is right behind the borderline to Germany.
The university here is really nice, due to all the green places, the forests, the little lakes in between and at least because of the really modern and advanced buildings.
Everything´s pretty clean and most of the administrative things are pretty well organized and managed.
Ok, so let´s get started...
Opening this Blog is the first assignment I got in my student life.
And yeah I`m going to tell you something what my life is all about and how my dreams for the future look like.
My dreams for my later live are sailing around the world at least once, and get to know how people are connected with technology.
Actually the goal is to get people closer to technology which can help them along in everyday life and not forcing them to be adicted to technology just like gamers are (e-sports).
It´s the things you don´t think about at using them, ´cause they are so easy to use but still very effective.
Another goal is it to have a life you are happy with when I reflect on it later.
So yeah...Today my morning started with waking up in my room and having some breakfast.
(I´m one of the lucky guys who found a room here in Enschede very quickly)
After that I got my bike to go to the university for the first time as a student.
It was kind of an awesome feeling....
The next period of my life is going to start right now, let´s see what it gets.
Thanks to the short campus guidings we had before I quickly found the correct room so I could wait for the beginning of the first lecture.
We spent this time by talking to our friends about the last weekend.
My first lecture was really inspiring what I really didn´t expect it to be in this way.
The lectures are given in a very different way to what you know from schools in Germany.
There is a great use of electronic things like presentations via beamer and the hole lecture is much more about the deeper sense of our identity and technology than you know it from school.
In school you just learn the way something should be done and in the lessons here at university we´re searching for why something is done like that and how it can be realized in an unconscious way (e.g. the combination of people´s mind and/or lifestyle and technology).
That was a pretty exciting feeling and suddenly there was a bunch of ideas in my head what we could do, to make life more fun and easier.
Actually I´m sitting here in the cafeteria in an at least pretty comfortable chair.
The first lecture is over, and the rest of the day is freetime, which I will probably use for grocery shopping.
My impressions on the first day of studying are kind of mixed.
At first I´m very hungry, ´cause I only had breakfast in the morning (now it is 16:48).
The next thing I feel kind of weird because I hope that I choose the right way for me and my future.
The thing which bothers me the most is actually the money.
The tuition is much more than in Germany (500€ per semester or even nothing, depends on the state->here in Enschede 1672€ for two semesters), I also have to pay a great bunch of rent for my room and the federal law on support in education is pretty slow in Germany, so I hope they pay not to late because otherwise I have no money to stay here:(
I just hope everything is working out well and I´ll get used to my new life;)
I´m really excited to go on with my studies!
I think I can learn there a lot for my life, not only for the subjects to be good creator but for me in personal (things like speaking in front of many people and give presentations and so on.
I always disliked things like that but with the help of the studies I´ll learn to think outside the box.
And that´s really great for my own development.
Ok that´s it so far.
For this moment my mind is empty right now and I need some food;)
So I hoped you liked it and you´re going to follow my blog.
Have a nice day.
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Creative ideas!!!
Just some creative ideas!